Friday, August 1, 2014

Please Marvel, Take My Money!!!!

Just watched Guardians of the Galaxy tonight and loved it. Marvel never ceases to provide us with great films. At this point and time, I no longer doubt their decisions with their cinematic universe. And I will continue to give them my money as love as they give me what I'm looking for. Here are some movies that have given me plenty of reason to never doubt Marvel ever again and to just mail them my wallet.


Now I know this isn't part of the Marvel Studio's universe. But we have to pay respect to this film. If it wasn't for the success of this one, we probably wouldn't have a Phase One, Two or anything at all. Thank you X-Men for getting it going.

Iron Man:

This movie was great, went and saw it in theater several times. It got Phase One moving forward. RDJ is flawless as Tony Stark. Even if he quit today, he'll always be the Invincible Iron Man.

Iron Man 2:

Now I know some folks had issues with this movie. But I personally loved it. It gave us more S.H.I.E.L.D. It touched on the Avengers Initiative, Black Widow. More RDJ, which we all love. And the debut of War Machine and Don Cheadle who I personally think was a better Rhodey. 

The Incredible Hulk:

Is by far the best Hulk movie out there (sorry Ang Lee). Edward Norton was fantastic. I love the nod to the Return of the Monster graphic novel in this movie. I was bummed he didn't return for Avengers. Mark is an excellent replacement, he gives us some Bill Bixby in his performance. Norton will be missed though.

The Avengers:

Do I really need to say why? This movie is the greatest. The return and combination of the greatest characters and actors out there. And then turn around to make a great film, led by the even greater Joss Whedon. I was freaking out, the girls who were taking ecstasy at the theater were freaking. My wife fell asleep, but later she was freaking out. A great movie and an awesome end to Phase One.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier:

This is by far my favorite movie of 2014. I know there were a lot of movies this year that were pretty awesome. However, I still have to give it to this one. I mean it gave you everything. Cap, the fall of SHIELD, Bucky's return. The debut of my boy Sam Wilson, the Falcon. This movie was flawless in it's delivery.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:

I was worried for this show, only for a short moment. I never lost faith in Whedon. He's never failed me. I love this show. Not only does it work, but it is directly connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I mean, who does that? Can we say continuity?


  1. Some other notable Marvel Studios films.

    Thor was actually a really solid Marvel Studios film that really impressed me. The acting was great and the story was excellent.

    Captain America: The First Avenger was pretty awesome IMO. The only complaint I had was some choppy scene transition with the action when Cap first starts taking out the Hydra camps. Besides that, awesome movie.

    Iron Man 3. Completely different than how I thought it would go, threw me for a loop but I thought it was awesome. Nearly all of the fanboys I know couldn't stand where they took the movie but I loved it. Any time I cannot guess what will happen next I am impressed.

  2. I loved the first Cap movie.It's what made me like Cap in the first place. And Guardians of the Galaxy had me laughing harder than I've laughed in a while, whilst at the same time it had a great story and character development.

  3. I think it was smart to do a Tony Stark movie. Show how he would handle business without his suit. I kind of like that part of it. The whole Mandarin thing irritated me. However, I have faith in Marvel to make that right.

    1. Marvel Studios has done all but confirmed that the real Mandarin will be seen in upcoming projects, including that Marvel One-Shot they did a while back.

      I know you already mentioned it but Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is pretty darn good. It took til about the 8th episode for the writing to really impress me. Since then it just grew further into another favorite of mine. The season finale was awesome and I like how much they are tying things into the Movies. TL;DR Came for Coulson, stayed for everything else.
