Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Favorite Marvel Teams

You guys may have an idea of my favorite teams. I think I might surprise you with some of them. Here are my official favorite teams from the Marvel Universe. This can also include, team ups and partnerships that happened in the comics. I'm sure you all have your own, let's compare notes.

X-Treme X-Men:

I love this storyline. I mean you have Storm leading the team, loved it. Bishop is there. The Bishop I love and the one we need.....I'm not going to do it. It introduced new characters like Lifeguard and Slipstream. It even focused on Sage, an old character with an interesting back story. Their costumes were really sweet looking. Especially those tech sunglasses, I need some of those.

New Fantastic Four:

When this team was introduced when I was young, I think a single tear fell down my face. I was so happy with this team up. It was literally the most unlikely characters outside of the Defenders coming together. I think they even fought each other in the first issue. The most volatile team, but definitely on my list as one of the best. I think they need to reintroduced them for a small story arc. I would probably shed another single tear if they do it.

Ultimate Avengers:

I'm probably going to get beat up for this. For the longest time I hated Captain America. I thought he was lame, his older iteration was kind of too.......boy scouty?  Is that a word? Anyways, Ultimates gave me the love for Cap that I didn't have before. I love this version. I know a lot of you are loyal to the 616 Avengers, and I get that. However, without this universe, we wouldn't have Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. And that was a decision we all are enjoying.

X-Men First Class:

You can't have X-Treme X-Men without bringing up First Class. A good buddy of mine gave me all the old X-Men comics and I've been reading them. Some of them were jerks, especially to each other. And they were all going after Jean at one point. It was ridiculous the stuff they did to each other while protecting the Earth from Magneto. Nevertheless, I love these guys and will always have a special place in my heart.

X-Men: Operation Zero Tolerance:

I love this story arc because it forced Iceman, Marrow and Cecilia Reyes (who wasn't an X-Men yet) to work together. They had to work against Bastion and a new version of Sentinel. It was a really cool story, you all should check it out.

Bishop and Storm:

They have teamed up a couple of times in the comics. The one I've read a lot was when they went against Mountjoy. Mountjoy was a mutant from Bishop's timeline, he had the ability to physically absorb people. When you see it in the comic, it looks painful for the victims. But I liked that comic and they have always been great together. Too bad Bishop is a government stooge now and Storm is currently with Wolverine now. That's right, its about time!!

X-Force (Strike Team):

I know you guys were thinking when Cable led them. They were cool but they weren't my favorite. This was the one time Cyclops did something right. After the House of M phenomenon, Cyclops felt it was necessary to have a strike team to do what was necessary to protect the now dwindled mutant population. So he formed the X-Force, led by Wolverine himself. It was really.....dark, I mean really dark and gritty. It is not for the faint of heart. I think Storm eventually led them too, which I would like to read as well. But I love this version.

Daredevil and Batman:

Now yes, I know this includes a DC character. But The Man without Fear is involved, so it counts. There was a crossover comic when they begrudgingly teamed up to take on Mr. Hyde and Two-Face. It was really good crossover, Matt Murdock was able to get under Bruce's skin....I liked their interaction.