Friday, October 31, 2014

Who Really Cares?

I was having a discussion with some friends after seeing Days of Future Past (love that movie). She made it clear she liked that Wolverine and Sabertooth were siblings. After fighting the urge to throw her into traffic, I explained how that wasn't canon. To my surprise, she didn't care, she liked it and said it made a good story. This situation made me wonder. When it comes to the accuracy of the characters we love in the cinematic universe, who really cares?

Film Makers:
I've mentioned this in a previous post saying the difficulties of giving us everything we like in a comic book movie. However, it can be done without sacrificing the core of a character. It seems like I'm always messing with Wolverine: Origins, that's because I am. It had the potential to be like the comic series and ended up being like.....I don't know, Lonesome Dove. I know that's a stretch. We all know people like Hugh Jackman, Edward Norton, RDJ and Chris Evans love these characters and do their best to represent them the best to their ability. There are those however, who either don't get it or don't care how to properly translate them onto film and that's where it hurts the movie. Cough, Brett Ratner, cough!!

Everyday Moviegoers: 
This is where my wife fits in. Now, yes, she likes the Avengers and thought Days of Future Past was awesome. She even got mad at me for seeing the first Cap movie without her. She's a big fan of Arrow and now The Flash. However, she knows nothing of their actual back story or anything like that. She just knows if she likes the movie or not. And when I explain certain things about the characters or the show that was correct or not. She gives me a, "You're such a nerd." look. And most moviegoers are probably the same. They are familiar enough with a movie to want to go see it. They want the movie to be fun and entertaining, which explains why most humans love Dark Knight Rises.....I'll stop.

The Fans:
We're the ones that pay attention to everything. I think we pay attention too much sometimes. Nevertheless, we are the ones that set the bar for these films. We are the ones that write blogs like this critiquing our actors, writers and directors telling the story of our favorite characters. Which is important, we need to keep these guys honest, to the best of our abilities.

Just keep in mind, we may be the fanbase. However we need the everyday person to like this stuff. We are the minority of the theater patrons. We need people like my wife to like these films to keep them coming. Do they need to be like us? Not really, it would be great though, it would make better discussions over dinner. We just need them to be interested enough to go. So I say let's rally people like Jimmy down the street and have him see Age of Ultron.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Last Suit I'll Ever Wear!

There are a lot of suits that exist in the fantasy/sci-fi universe. I love these suits. If I had the money, the space and well.....the money. These are the suits I would own and probably wear on the regular. Like on date night, bowling, taking out the trash and etc. What? You would too!

Iron Man Suit:

I want this suit so bad. I'll be able to fly, use rockets, repulsor cannons. I mean look at all the stuff my suit would have. Like satellite radio, blu-ray player, an xbox one, ps4 and wii u all in one. Don't ask how I'll play them while I'm in the sky, that's for me to figure out. Probably have some good gps. Knowing me, I'll end up in Dubai or something.

Batman's Suit:

I'm not sure of the suit in Batman v Superman. However, I loved the suit in Dark Knight. The Arkham series didn't shy away from it either. I think Bruce being armored made sense. I like how it looks. With all the cool parts to the armor and all the gear that is in it. Just hope it has a spot for my keys and phone. I think I'll have to pay extra for that.

White Ranger Suit:

I'm referring to the movie suit. Mostly because it's armor and makes sense. I'm also a fan of the White Ranger. Simple enough, although there still isn't a spot for my keys and phone. Man, thanks a lot Morphin Grid!!

Piccolo's Suit:

Now I know this will probably throw you humans off. I'm a huge Goku fan, but I love Piccolo's suit. I mean look at those shoulder pads, they're epic. Plus, I've been lifting weights, and this suit will show off my guns. Now I don't know about the hat, but everything else about it is awesome. And don't lie, you liked it when Gohan was sporting it during the Cell Saga.

Guyver: Bio Boosted Armor:

I want this one really bad. I mean yes, it's an organic alien suit. And you get it by pretty much letting it integrate itself into your DNA. However, look at it, it's worth it guys. I mean you can summon it from another dimension and have super boosted......everything. It's fully equipped. It comes with a head beam, a sound amplifier, gravity pressure cannon at the waist and a really cool mega smasher in the chest. Who wouldn't want one? I know you do! No pockets I know, but it's still worth it.

War Machine Suit:

It's the same thought with the Iron Man suit. It's just more hardcore, look at it!! I feel like it plays AC/DC constantly in the helmet.

Nova's Armor:

I'm kind of a fan of the Nova Corp. I know this is Marvel's answer to the Green Lantern Corp. I love their uniforms though. And it comes in black, gotta love that. I believe that the helmet let's you put your playlist in there. So all my music and podcasts play while I fight the banes of the universe? Sign me up!! Watch I get the one that has Celine Dion on loop.

Monday, October 27, 2014

I wanna do that!!

If you're like me, I love cool stuff in movies. These are the moves we all want to do after we see it done on film. I'm like, "Dude if I can do that. I would be ridiculous!" This is my list of cool moves done in movies and tv shows. And you know you wanted to do all this stuff. If you say no, you're lying to yourself and your childhood.

Neo's Bullet Stop:

I know he did it in the first film. However, it looked the coolest in Reloaded. When I saw him do this, I was like, "Oh yeah! Gotta get that move." Granted, I wouldn't know where to get it, might be a on Ebay or something.

Superman Flight:

It doesn't matter if you're a fan of Richard Donner's Superman or the current Zack Snyder's Man of Steel. Seeing Jor El take to the skies in any film makes you want to fly. It looks really cool and the ability to break the sound barrier would be awesome.

Wolverine's Claws:

I know every Wolverine fan pretended to have claws. I imagined it a lot when I was a kid. Man, I'm even imaging it right now. Seeing them for the first time on the movie screen was the coolest experience.....ever!!

Being a Jedi.....period:

Don't laugh! When you saw this, you were in your backyard practicing for 46 minutes before you pulled a muscle. Every man, woman, and child wants to be a Jedi. My Jedi Knight name is DaWi CoFar.  I'm sure there are plenty of other humans who have their own Jedi name. I'm also pretty sure after seeing this gif, you're going to go outside and practice some more. You bunch of nerds.

Super Saiyan:

Next to doing the Kamehameha or the Special Beam Cannon, is going Super Saiyan. When Goku did it for the first time, we all thought it was cool. People make fan videos of this move just as much as the other ones. We all want to make our hair go blond, get buff and be able to destroy planets. No, it's just me then?

Hover board:

I was never into skateboarding. However, when I saw the hover board in Back to the Future 2, I was so going to make an exception. Even today with my busted up knee, if they made a legitimate hover board I will risk bodily harm to get good at riding one. Just don't tell my wife.

Be a Power Ranger:

If you said you never thought of being a Power Ranger, then you're a dirty liar. With all the iterations that exist in this universe. Whether you follow Super Sentai or Power Rangers, you know you wanted their powers and their zords. I've always coveted the White Ranger Powers, having a Tiger Zord would be awesome. Could you imagine the insurance on that bad boy? Definitely have to park that guy in the Morphing Grid.


This is the same thought as Superman. As fans of the character and the franchise, we all wanted his abilities. From wall-crawling to this spider-sense. However, we all want to soar through the sky shooting webs from our......web shooters (sorry Sam Raimi). Now, you do have to be in a city with pretty tall buildings to do so. Where I live, it wouldn't work for me unless I was in the downtown area all the time. That would mean I would have to quit my job, bunk out behind one of the billboards and find a radioactive to be bitten by.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

It's over 2000!!!

Once again, you guys humble me with your willingness to read my stuff. That means you're either bored. Or really want to know what I think. Or maybe a little of both, lol. Nevertheless, you guys keep coming back and I appreciate that. It is possible you're new to my blog, so welcome, thank you. And yes, you're officially a victim of The David Effect.

At the end of the year or hopefully sooner. I'll be doing more face time on Youtube. Meaning I'll be getting some actual camera equipment. With some help from a buddy of mine, I'll figure how to do this. And do it in such a way you guys can deal with my big face on the screen. Don't worry, this blog will still exist. There are some things that still sound better when I write them down and other things need for me to say them. So I"ll be working double time on both. So look for HouseofDarkner on Youtube for my current vids I've done. And please, keep coming to this site for all your rants about the nerdy stuff.

Once again thank you for looking at my work. I just feel I'm expressing my views about the stuff we all like. Just in a David way. So I appreciate all of you for listening to my voice, or reading my words. Now I have a bag of Hot Fries that need destroying. See you humans soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Biggest Moments of my Comic Book experience

Every universe has there moments. As readers, we always treasure or loathe these moments. However, we all have our favorites and the ones we will always remember. I'm sure they all differ. Nevertheless, here are the moments in comic book history that I will always remember.

Death and Life of Superman:

I pretty much almost hurt myself when this was presented to me when I was younger. We all thought Superman was invincible. This story proved he was all but. This story was great. It brought for us Superboy, Steel, it was pretty cool.

Infinity Gauntlet:

This story from the outside looked really epic. And it still is. Once you realize why Thanos, one of the many banes of the universe, did what he did. You want to go smack this titan right in the mouth. This story was still good. It was one of the few times the Marvel Universe died......literally. If this movie sees the light of day (I know you can do it Marvel/Disney), it will trump any movie out there.

Wolverine Origins:

Yes, I'm talking about the comic and not the movie. It was nice to get a beginning of Wolverine. Now granted, the mystery was great to me. It left everything in the air about where he came from and I liked that. Nevertheless, this story is pretty sweet and gave us a birth name to the enigma that is known as Logan.


I don't know why, but Marvel heroes are always getting wiped out. The amalgam of Magneto and Xavier known as Onslaught presented another situation where this came into play. A very scary and tough enemy which required heroes and villains alike to take him out. Even though Doom did try to dip out.

Battle for the Cowl:

I personally hated how Batman died and his weird mouth return. However, I did like the story it brought forth. Every person came to surface when this happened. And it forced Nightwing to become what he was fighting hard to avoid. I hated the debut of Damian and what happened to my boy Timothy. However, it still brought for some pretty decent changes to the universe. Too bad stinkin DC messed with it, I was looking forward to see where it would go.

House of M:

I liked this story. It reminded me of the Mirror/Mirror episode of Star Trek. The whole universe was different. I kind of liked how it was done. I did hate however, what they did with Gambit, it was a cop out. However, I wish Marvel held on to this idea just a little bit longer. It was really cool.

Civil War:

You can't have H.O.M. without bringing up Civil War. The epic clash between heroes. And the iconic clash of Iron Man and Captain America. I loved this story. I was of course on the side of Cap.

Death of Cap:

It was a sad day for all Marvel fans when this happened. I mean it was on the news, on national television. That's how much this affected people. Now granted, because this is Marvel, they brought the boy scout back, I have my own feelings about that. It was a sad moment, however his death gave us a pretty cool replacement. And revelations about specific Marvel characters and their connection with Steve Rogers.

Dark Phoenix Saga:

You can't have a comic moment list without bringing up Jean Grey. This saga was so epic, it had my mother reading it. It brought in all kind of characters. From the Shiar empire to the Hellfire Club.  A really good story. And on the short list of the few Marvel characters that aren't being resurrected......yet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Is looking good enough?

I'm sorry Brandon Routh, but it's the truth. There are movies out there that sacrifice a good story to make a visually appealing movie. Should that be allowed? I personally don't think so. It's like video games, music or any source of entertainment. Pretty doesn't necessarily make it better. I think Superman Returns was visually really cool. It was a nice nod to Richard Donner and Routh looked great as The Last Son of Krypton. However, that movie was a Donner clone. No disrespect to Donner, he gave us one of the greatest Supermen out there. Here's some movies that had it visually but lacked in story.

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation:

Now this movie by no means was great. It did give a lot of the MK characters that I'm sure many were asking about. However, the story was atrocious. Some of the cast needed a kick in the acting pants. Now I get it, this came out in 1997. Nevertheless, don't just throw a movie out just to say you have a sequel. Give us some substance. At least Legacy gave us something......better than this train wreck.

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale

This is another movie that visually looked really cool. And they had a full cast to make this movie work. From Ron Perlman, Burt Reynolds, Jasom Statham, I mean they even got Ray Liotta. The movie was just bland. It's like eating a hamburger that just had nothing but meat and bun. I mean it was still a movie, but it didn't have enough to satisfy my movie going appetite. Dungeon Siege was a good game too.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith:

It was going to happen sooner or later. Before I get beat up by actual Jedi. I love Star Wars, I wore black a lot as a kid because of Return of the Jedi. I made up my own Jedi years ago, with my own name and everything. I read several of the books too, believe me, I love this stuff. I think Episode 3 looked great. However, I had hang ups about the story. I felt it was kind of rushed and was too easy for Anakin to just turn. The death of Mace was dumb to me. The Order 66 mess was an easy way out, stuff like that. I should do a separate thing about all 6 movies, maybe on my Youtube channel. Either way, I still love you Star Wars. George Lucas.....I'm not so sure bro, I think you phoned it in.

Tron Legacy:

This one made me a little sad. I had so many high hopes for this movie. They did a great job on the visual part of it. I still want a light suit with my very own light disc. I think that stuff is so awesome!!! The concept for him going in to save his father and stuff was really good to me. The movie though, was just boring to me. If you know anything about me, I don't get bored......seriously, I don't get bored. If I don't have anything to do, I go take a nap. I really wanted to take a nap when I saw this movie. Now, yes, I have only seen it once. Maybe it's like Napoleon Dynamite. I have seen The Wolverine more than one and I like it more than the first time I watched it.

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie:

Don't hate my Rangers!! I had to get that out first. I personally think the movie looked great. Although I did feel it did get a little television for a movie. But it still looked good. I think of all the stories they could have used.....Turbo, really? Story was pretty generic to me. Zeo would have  been great, but they didn't ask black folks.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Movie Trailers that are a bunch of liars!!!

Movie trailers are more or less important. They give a glimpse into a movie we are or maybe aren't thinking of seeing. Sometimes it can motivate us to see that movie and other times it scares us away. However, there are times a movie looks good because of the trailer, but doesn't live up to the hype. It may not necessarily be a bad movie, it could be that it gave us a different idea what it was about. Here are some movie trailers that hurt my feelings, simply because they lied to me.

Forbidden Kingdom:

Here's the thing. This movie is.....okay. The back story of Jet Li's and Jackie Chan's characters could be two different movies in their own right. My issue is that the trailer led you to believe that they were rival clans forced to work together to take on the greater evil. However, its not even close to what it was about. The movie wasn't horrible, it had some really good fight scenes and.....that's about it.

Reign of Fire:

See I have a thing about man vs great creatures of legend. Whether its Moby Dick, or Andre the Giant. I like seeing man take on legendary/mythological creatures. That's why I was excited about this movie. Modern day characters taking the fight to the wyrms, dragons, tarragons, either way, I thought it looked to be cool. It was not sadly. There wasn't much throw down with the dragons. And this movie made the "Dragon Slayers" look like a bunch of chumps. And Matthew's Master Roshi look was cool. However, the movie portrayed him as being a crazy guy who pulled Gorilla in the Mist with the Dragons. He was completely useless in the film as the rest of the supposed slayers. The death of the drake looked cool, but that was about it. And we're not even going to touch on Dragon Wars, ugh, I think I blorched in my mouth.

Dungeons and Dragons:

Speaking of blorching, this movie. By the name, this did not live up to the all. I have nothing against Marlon Wayans, he's a decent actor. However, at this time of his life he was type cast as the token black guy with funny one-liners. It hurt my face watching this movie. Remember that scene in The Last Dragon when everyone in the theater was acting a fool while watching a Bruce Lee movie? That was pretty what it was like watching this movie in the theater. No one cared to pay attention to this movie. It was a joke. The sequel proved to be much better even though it was a straight to DVD movie. I had hopes for this movie based on the trailer, However, it should have been a clip of a guy getting kicked in the face by a horse. That's how I felt after this movie.

X-Men: The Last Stand

Now this movie has some really cool parts to it. However, the hype that was built and the concept many believed was to happen came from the trailer. Not only did it include three different arcs it, showed no connection with some of the characters. I mean Cain and Charles looked at each other with no acknowledgement whatsoever, what! Brett Ratner showed his inexperience with this genre of movies by putting in pointless characters and not enough substance. Still loved Hank McCoy though, thank you Beast for being.....Beast.

The Wolverine:

I liked this movie for many different reasons. However, like Origins, the trailer gave us a different idea how the movie was going to happen. And we were pretty much disappointed. Most fans were expecting a lot from the sequel as was I. While it was better than Origins, it didn't 100% live up to the hype the trailer gave us.

The Dark Knight Rises:

I'm not saying this movie is horrible. I just don't think this movie is as epic as people and especially how the trailer made it to be. The trailer made the movie to be Knightfall/No Man's Land/Dark Knight Returns. Instead we got lot of random stuff and a lot of fluff. Anne Hathaway looked great in the catsuit though. Even if she has no booty.