Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spiderman in the MCU, it's about time!!

This announcement doesn't come as a shock to me. There was a reveal during the whole Sony being hacked situation that Sony was in discussions with Marvel Studios for adding Spiderman to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For those who know me, this has been a discussion I've had since Sam Raimi Spiderman. I knew this would happen eventually. I mean the MCU works and it would make sense that Spidey would show up, I mean he worked with everybody in the 616. So if this works, we could possibly have FOX follow suit. What could this mean for us as fans? I'm glad you asked, ha!

Secret Wars:

Now if you're like some of my friends you'll ask, "Which one?" And in all honesty, I'll just say either or all of them. It doesn't matter. This would just open the door for the biggest crossover to walk the planet. I could see this being three movies, it would be great. You'll get to see Hulk do squats with a mountain, yeah!!!

Secret Invasion:

This would actually fit perfectly into the cinematic universe. This took place during and after Civil War. So this would fit right in. This would be a good way to introduce the Skrull into the MCU and possibly more Kree after the Captain Marvel movie. Possibilities humans, think outside of the box!

House of M:

I sing the praises of this story pretty often. It's just a good story. With the introduction of the twins in Age of Ultron. This could also be a good opportunity to bring the X-Men into the MCU with this concept. I mean think about it. House of M, Civil War and Secret Invasion are actually all connected. This is a gold mine here guys. It'll even give the spotlight to some characters we haven't seen yet, like a real Gambit, Cloak and Dagger, Wonder Man and so many more Marvel characters.

Dark Phoenix Saga/The Trial of Jean Grey:

Now I know you'll say that this is an X-Men thing, However, Dark Phoenix affected everybody. So much that when young Jean Grey came from the past. It raised a red flag to the Avengers and many others. Hence the Trial of Jean Grey story arc. So this opens a large opportunity. With the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, space travel and aliens will no longer be an issue.


There are so many reasons the Marvel Universe almost died. And Onslaught is one major reason why. I know this is also a X-Men issue, but it affected the entire universe. This is a situation where the good and bad of Marvel had to band together to save......everything!!

I know this is just speculation. However, if Spiderman being integrated into the MCU works. This can open up so many possibilities. I'm getting goofy with what could happen. What ideas do you guys have? Give it to me humans!!!