Friday, March 13, 2015

Power Ranger Short Film, a Rated R Film?"

I'm sure many of you have seen this fan film of the Power Rangers. There are a lot of opinions about this film. There are some actual actors of Power Rangers themselves who have stated their opinion, some good and some bad. Now I'm going to give my David Effect opinion about the short film. Plus there is talk of the actual reboot project getting an R rating. I'll give my view on that soon.

The Short Film:

Right out the gate, I'm going to say I liked this film. It gave the cheesy franchise a different look. The concept of one of the Rangers wasn't happy with the end result and turned on them. I like that, it gave a realistic view that not everyone has accepted the heavy responsibility. Reminds me of Man of Steel, which is probably why I liked it. The twist at the end was really good too. I wish there was more morphing in it, but it was just a short film. The scenes with Zack were really cool. Now, yes this film was darker than I would have done it. I mean, it got really dark. I know this is Power Rangers, but even in this world, there is an ugly side of war. So I get where they went with this. Should the reboot be this dark? I don't think it should. Should it be rated R? I'll get to that.

A Rated R Film?

We already know my view on rated R films from my previous post. In case you humans haven't read it, here you go. It doesn't need it. All an R rating would do is give them more of a reason to make it gory and unnecessarily violent with a lot of man cheeks and boobs. We don't need that, especially in a Power Ranger movie. I think it should be Starship Troopers meets Man of Steel meet Guardians of the Galaxy. GOTG had a good balance of action, comedy and seriousness. It can be done, you'll just need to right kind of people, writer and me! Not that I'm a director or anything, but I know what this reboot needs.