Thursday, October 22, 2015

Phase 4 Possibilities

I apologize for my hiatus. A lot has been happening and I also just recently been injured. I'm doing fine, its not at serious as it sounds. Just stuck wearing a stupid boot for a while. Nevertheless, let's focus on nerdy stuff for now. We thought that after Infinity War, it would be the end of the MCU as we know it. However, there was a recent announcement of Phase 4. So I was thinking, what other cool stuff could we get from Marvel Studios for Phase 4.

Heroes Reborn:

This could be a possibility. This took place after they destroyed Onslaught and a large portion of the 616 heroes were dead. As usual with Marvel, heroes never stay dead. Hence the Heroes Reborn series. With the Infinity War we're getting to end Phase 3, it would make sense if it eliminated a number of characters in the MCU. And have them come back different, new gear, with the torched passed to someone else.

Secret (Skrull) Invasion:

MCU hasn't really introduced the Skrull, not directly anyways. I think it would be cool to focus on them infiltrating the large organizations like SHIELD, Avengers and many others. Change MCU history and the war afterwards would be pretty awesome. They already don't trust heroes since Winter Soldier, they definitely won't after this.


I'm not going to lie. I know very little about the Thunderbolts. However, I know villains originally started this group and it did eventually lead to the Dark Avengers. So why not give it a shot.

Dark Avengers:

Speaking of the Dark Avengers. Why not? Granted in order to make this work. Norman Osborn needs to be alive. There are ways to make that work. But it would be cool to see the former Green Goblin put on the Iron Patriot armor and clean house.

House of M:

I mentioned House of M before, I still think it would make a great movie. Now yes, the X-Men is in this picture. However, you don't necessarily need them to make this movie. You just need Scarlet Witch to be the catalyst and the MCU has her. There are plenty of characters they could use. The M could represent Marvel or something else. It may not have to be called House of M. You could come up with a better name Marvel, do it!!


This is a sister organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. Which is a counter-terrorist organization in space. Main head quarters is in a orbital space station. This will definitely help the space aspect of the MCU. Led by Abigail Brand, who is like the Janeway of the 616. If you don't know who Janeway is, the captain of the USS Voyager. Then you're fired!!!

Young Avengers:

This could work. I  mean the movies already attract the younger demographic already. This could be more of a mantle passing movie. I know there are talks of Cap being passed to either Sam or Bucky. These guys kind of represent the new generation of the heroes of the past.

Deadpool Kills MCU:

Now yes, Deadpool is a Fox property at this moment. However, couldn't we agree it would be great if they worked together to make this movie? Especially after the future success of the new Deadpool movie. I know I'm jumping the gun on that. I do feel it would be a success. These are events that changed Marvel and I can see this changing the MCU forever.


Now that Spiderman is being brought into the MCU with Civil War. This gives us a chance to see Spider-verse come to life. All these different Spider-people come together to fight the ultimate evil. That would be sick. I mean who wouldn't want to see Scarlet Spider, Spider-Gwen and Noir Spiderman fighting the Sinister Six or something, that would be awesome!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Prequels: Do We Need You?

Have you noticed that every time you flip on the tv, get a Facebook message, karate chop an orange, another prequel is being announced. As you can tell, Star Wars was a huge example of this move. I think it was the first prequel I've seen, it might be for you. Several years ago, it wasn't a thing, now it's almost expected. I think The Sopranos are getting a prequel. It's happening more and more. It makes me wonder if it's even necessary. Why do it?


Now yes, there are people who walk this planet who have never seen the staples of most of our lives. You know like Star Wars, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, etc. To them I say shame on you, eat this pudding. I know, it shocks me too, but it happens. So these prequels are perfect for them. To watch them get excited when they realize Bucky was really The Winter Soldier is priceless. I know it's not a prequel. It still blows me away that people didn't know that. I mean that knowledge is like decades old. Anyways, the point I'm making is that it's nice that they enjoy these new universes for the first time. They get to enjoy the entire lore from start to finish. 

Seasoned Veterans:

Now I'll be the first to agree it is nice to see a lot of what we read come to life. I mean I nearly exploded at the sight of Wolverine on the big screen for the first time. I get that, but we know the lore, we know their origins. We've read the books, the comics, graphic novels. We had all the discussions and theories and arguments for this stuff. But for the average movie goer, you're messing up their vibe. Look at movies like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and others where they made the prequels after the first set of movies, it kind of takes away that excitement a little bit. I mean those cliffhangers or near death scenes don't affect us as much because we know how it's going to end. I mean we already seen the other movies. So why do it like that? Just start from the beginning people.

I will say this as well. I know the Marvel Universe fairly well. I know most of the origin stories and many others of like the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four and so forth. So when Jean dies in X-Men: The Last Stand or when Castle loses his family in The Punisher. It doesn't surprise me, because I know the lore. Nevertheless, I still go to the movies because I love to see my favorite characters come to life on the big screen. So, believe me, I understand. I just think if you want to explain the birth of a hero or villain or that bag of cheese in the fridge. Start from the beginning. Don't start in the middle and go back several years later in 3 separate films and have them be underwhelming and stuff. I mean the lightsaber fights are cool and all. But how does Anakin just dip out on the people that raised him and made him a Jedi? Because old man Palpatine told him to do it? I still think that was too easy. I'm sorry, I'll let it go.......for now.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

David Effect Under Construction

I'm sure some of you humans are  wondering what happened to The David Effect? Has he run out of things to talk about? Is he done with making videos? Did he get abducted by the Brood Queen to make David Effect drones? You X-Men fans know what I'm talking about!

Either way, the answer is no. I'm still around and I've been ranting about a lot of things as of late. So either a post or a video will happen soon. These last few months I have been going through a lot of changes. A lot of them are good, some of them, not so much. So I've been through a level of stress lately. In addition to that I've been working on several projects that have demanded my time at the moment. More opportunities to use this gift that I was blessed with. So I hope those who I work with will like what I produce (nervous sigh). Once it is released I hope you will like it too (addition nervous sigh).

I have missed making posts. I do plan for the future to post more videos as well. I plan on making a number of improvements on what I do. In hopes of making it more entertaining for you guys.  I have a lot of fun doing this stuff and venting about all things nerdy. So please bestow upon me the greatest of patience. More is coming, I promise. Once again you all will become victims of The David Effect.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Top Ten Fictional Pets

I did this one in video form. Been trying my stuff out on video editing and such. Hope it turned out well. Here's the link:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MCU vs DCU: Who is Better?

In my recent readings of all things comics. I came across this article that talked about the methods of both companies when it came to their cinematic universe. Marvel/Disney is obviously doing something different from WB/DC. But which is better? Does one way of handling matters better than the other? We'll see.....

Marvel Cinematic Universe:

We can all agree that the movies that not only led to Avengers but the soon to be released Age of Ultron are amazing. From Iron Man down to Guardians of the Galaxy, we got a lot of Marvel to chew on. There are a lot of people who contributed to that. Kevin Feige is definitely one of those people. Being the face of Marvel, he has done his best to steer the MCU in the right direction. Keeping all the movies cohesive, action packed and fun, along with Agents of SHIELD to keep it all together. I'd say he did a good job. Now I'm not saying it didn't come with its bumps in the road. With cast changes and some odd character reveals (Iron Man 3), we watched the movies take a little heat. Fox and Sony have shown from time to time that an exec shouldn't always have the last say. Nevertheless, many have saw the success of Kevin taking the lead. However, some feel this method makes the movies generic and similar. Really? Are you telling me that Iron Man is similar to Captain American? That Thor and Guardians of the Galaxy are generic? My friend, you and I are not watching the same movie. Marvel keep doing what you're doing.

DC Universe:

Man of Steel launched the current DC Cinematic Universe. And right now that's the only movie that is currently out. So that's all you're getting, ha! Anyways, WB made it clear that there is no real head of the DCU. They decided to leave the power to the creative minds of each project, the directors and writers. At first I'm all about it. Being a writer myself, I wouldn't want some other human in control of my creation. So I get that. Until I learned about a few things. Like how there are several writers for each project, each writing their own scripts. Really?! I mean you could get a great script out of them. Or you could get a bunch of really crappy ones and have to choose the less crappy script to run with. Can't have that guys, you're running a big risk doing that. Who's there to pull the reigns on some of their creative liberties with the DCU. This could serve as a gift, allowing the writers to do what is needed for the franchise. Or it could be a curse and get another Catwoman (yes, I went there). In truth we'll just have to see what they produce with these characters. Oh, and stop fighting and get another director for Wonder Woman, please! Man, it's like 10 years ago all over again.

In truth, I love the MCU. Been a fan since I was a kid. Marvel has done a wonderful job and I look forward to Age of Ultron and Phase 3. As for DC, look guys, here's my honest David Effect opinion. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel. You guys have been a staple in the comic book industry since before I was born. Do what you do best, make good stories. Stop trying to be different from Marvel, because you already are. We don't want you to be like Marvel, we just want you to be good. You got it locked down with your animated films. Learn from that and give us more of it on the big screen. I mean let's be honest, you're kind of behind when it comes to the silver screen. However, that's okay, just give us what we want......but no Guy Gardner, ugh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Man of Steel: Time to Address the Hate

I recently read an article about how they bashed Man of Steel's destruction. And how Age of Ultron's is better than Superman. I kind of been biting my tongue on this film because I like this movie a lot. There are a few that have valid issues about it. Nevertheless, I think you humans need to keep certain things in mind.

Is Superman a super hero in Man of Steel?:

My immediate answer is no. This is Superman year one, day one actually. He doesn't know better yet. His emotions led him a lot through the film, some to his advantage, some not so much. Being a super powered being, he has to learn that every move he does comes with a positive or negative reaction. He doesn't know how to be a super hero......not yet.

The Destruction: Who is at fault?

I'm not going to lie. When Superman fought them in Kansas, that was him going ham. However, do you blame him? Brotha had his Martha Kent in the choke slam position. Nevertheless, the overall destruction was Zod and his giganto doohickey changing the entire planet to become like Krypton. So in a situation like that no level of evacuation would have made anyone safe. And the machine literally destroyed......everything. So to blame the fight between Zod and Superman for the destruction is actually inaccurate.

But the Avengers got it right!:

"What a hero does is not just beat up the bad guy-a hero saves the people." Joss Whedon. This was something he said in an interview and to explain Age of Ultron in contrast to Man of Steel. I actually agree with him about that. However, you're talking about The Avengers. Several people in that roster are trained, finely tuned soldiers (Cap, Widow and Barton). They understand in a crisis situation what matters the's the people. Should have Superman thought of that? Yes. Did he? I would say yes, I mean why else did he destroy the machine? To protect the people. Now there were deaths, probably to some crazy amount. Were there deaths in Avengers? Of course there was. Maybe not to the level of  Man of Steel but it still happened. Because they can't save them all, even Cap couldn't.

Where's the Superman we know and love?:

I think a lot of the problem is that many people place Superman high on the moral pedestal. We compare him to Reeves, comics and many other iterations, I get that, I kind of do the same and as fans we expect him to be the epitome of all that is good. However, he's made plenty of mistakes. They just were never focused on in the films. By doing that, it makes him limitless, perfect, untouchable. And is that truly accurate about The Last Son of Krypton? If anyone really read the comics, we know he's just as flawed as Batman. And especially since Man of Steel is his first time being.......well Superman. So I like that he makes mistakes, experience the struggle of being a savior to some and a threat to many. A little bit of realism in a world of fantasy. It's about the progression and growth of a character. He can't be that great right out the gate, it just doesn't work that way. But give it a chance, this Superman will work.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Power Ranger Short Film, a Rated R Film?"

I'm sure many of you have seen this fan film of the Power Rangers. There are a lot of opinions about this film. There are some actual actors of Power Rangers themselves who have stated their opinion, some good and some bad. Now I'm going to give my David Effect opinion about the short film. Plus there is talk of the actual reboot project getting an R rating. I'll give my view on that soon.

The Short Film:

Right out the gate, I'm going to say I liked this film. It gave the cheesy franchise a different look. The concept of one of the Rangers wasn't happy with the end result and turned on them. I like that, it gave a realistic view that not everyone has accepted the heavy responsibility. Reminds me of Man of Steel, which is probably why I liked it. The twist at the end was really good too. I wish there was more morphing in it, but it was just a short film. The scenes with Zack were really cool. Now, yes this film was darker than I would have done it. I mean, it got really dark. I know this is Power Rangers, but even in this world, there is an ugly side of war. So I get where they went with this. Should the reboot be this dark? I don't think it should. Should it be rated R? I'll get to that.

A Rated R Film?

We already know my view on rated R films from my previous post. In case you humans haven't read it, here you go. It doesn't need it. All an R rating would do is give them more of a reason to make it gory and unnecessarily violent with a lot of man cheeks and boobs. We don't need that, especially in a Power Ranger movie. I think it should be Starship Troopers meets Man of Steel meet Guardians of the Galaxy. GOTG had a good balance of action, comedy and seriousness. It can be done, you'll just need to right kind of people, writer and me! Not that I'm a director or anything, but I know what this reboot needs.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spiderman in the MCU, it's about time!!

This announcement doesn't come as a shock to me. There was a reveal during the whole Sony being hacked situation that Sony was in discussions with Marvel Studios for adding Spiderman to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For those who know me, this has been a discussion I've had since Sam Raimi Spiderman. I knew this would happen eventually. I mean the MCU works and it would make sense that Spidey would show up, I mean he worked with everybody in the 616. So if this works, we could possibly have FOX follow suit. What could this mean for us as fans? I'm glad you asked, ha!

Secret Wars:

Now if you're like some of my friends you'll ask, "Which one?" And in all honesty, I'll just say either or all of them. It doesn't matter. This would just open the door for the biggest crossover to walk the planet. I could see this being three movies, it would be great. You'll get to see Hulk do squats with a mountain, yeah!!!

Secret Invasion:

This would actually fit perfectly into the cinematic universe. This took place during and after Civil War. So this would fit right in. This would be a good way to introduce the Skrull into the MCU and possibly more Kree after the Captain Marvel movie. Possibilities humans, think outside of the box!

House of M:

I sing the praises of this story pretty often. It's just a good story. With the introduction of the twins in Age of Ultron. This could also be a good opportunity to bring the X-Men into the MCU with this concept. I mean think about it. House of M, Civil War and Secret Invasion are actually all connected. This is a gold mine here guys. It'll even give the spotlight to some characters we haven't seen yet, like a real Gambit, Cloak and Dagger, Wonder Man and so many more Marvel characters.

Dark Phoenix Saga/The Trial of Jean Grey:

Now I know you'll say that this is an X-Men thing, However, Dark Phoenix affected everybody. So much that when young Jean Grey came from the past. It raised a red flag to the Avengers and many others. Hence the Trial of Jean Grey story arc. So this opens a large opportunity. With the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, space travel and aliens will no longer be an issue.


There are so many reasons the Marvel Universe almost died. And Onslaught is one major reason why. I know this is also a X-Men issue, but it affected the entire universe. This is a situation where the good and bad of Marvel had to band together to save......everything!!

I know this is just speculation. However, if Spiderman being integrated into the MCU works. This can open up so many possibilities. I'm getting goofy with what could happen. What ideas do you guys have? Give it to me humans!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Supergirl on CBS, will it work?

DC along with CBS has greenlit the creation of a Supegirl series. DC is getting is down with their tv line up. However, will it be a Smallville or a Lois and Clark clone? I don't think it will, They're looking for a mature show that fits along with The Good Wife, Extant and many others that have similar atmosphere.  But will it work? It might, for a couple of reasons.

Not Their First Rodeo:

CBS has proved they could do super powered shows. From The Flash in 1990 to The Hulk in 1978. Now granted The Flash only lasted a season. However, I considered that show a success, it gave us more that just the DC Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman). It also showed that DC had more characters to put out there for us to enjoy. The Hulk gave us 4 years of success. Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno gave us the serious struggle of being a monster. So if anyone can pull it off, CBS can.

New Villains:

There are so many villains that Supergirl actually deals with. From Lucy Lane, Bizarro Supergirl to Worldkillers and Silver Banshee. It will give us something different from the usual Luthor, Zod and Doomsday mess. I hope they don't  put too much Kryptonite all over this show, we don't need another Smallville.

It's Not Superman:

I know Kal plays an important part in Kara's life. However, in this story it's not about the Last Son of Krypton, it's about the Last Daughter. I hope they will focus on her life and her life only. There's nothing wrong with cameos or references. It's a smart way to acknowledge and to pay homage to the universe that she belongs to. However, we need to leave her alone. We don't need Batman or Wonder Woman or any of the normal JLA to appear on this. This show is an opportunity to bring in the B, C, D list of heroes and villains. Arrow got it right, The Flash got it right. even Gotham is doing a good job. Follow their example......please!!!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Share the Wealth

When we think of characters like Superman, Batman and even Wolverine. We think of their rivals, nemesis, opposition. People like Lex Luthor, Joker and Sabertooth. And with Joker appearing in Suicide Squad and Luthor showing up in Dawn of Justice it makes sense......right? I mean these are staple characters, it's almost expected for them to show up. The problem is, they're always there, they're always the antagonist. There are plenty of other villains for them to face. Let's name a few.

Superman's Rogues List:


The ruler of War World is a great candidate for Superman to throw down with. He's just as strong the Kryptonian and even more maniacal than Luthor. This would definitely bring forth more alien villains into the Superman franchise.


John Corben is another good idea. Kryptonite hasn't been introduced into the franchise yet. This would be a good way to do so. Kryptonite is Metallo's heart, his means of living and is Superman's weakness. It's almost poetic.....almost.


Either the alien or the Kryptonian computer, it doesn't matter to me. He would also be an awesome choice. He is DC's answer to Marvel's Ultron. Definitely a good thorn in Superman's side. More than Lex has been in recent media.

Batman's Rogue Gallery:

Red Hood:

Jason Todd is the best there was and the best there will be. I still think Timothy Drake is a better Robin. But we're not getting into that right now. He's a great idea for Batman. He was a Robin, he knows Batman better than he knows himself. He's very capable and got some swag.


Now when I say Bane. I mean a legit Bane. I mean Cuban Bane. Knightfall Bane who was intelligent and capable of throwing down with......anybody. If you humans doubt the legit of this character. Read Batman: Knightfall and No Man's Land. You get to see how Bane really is.


I'm not going to lie. Arrow did a good job portraying Slade. He's been getting a lot of good press recently. And that's a good thing. He looked great in Injustice and in Origins. I think he needs a silver screen debut, it would be epic. Slade Wilson is if Batman and Captain America had a baby. Gross I know but think about it. He has all of their strengths....all of them. Accompanied by Black Mask, it would make for a a great film.
Think about it it!! You know you want to. Fox has it dialed in with X-Men: First Class and Days of Future Past. You know you could do better than Fox, come on!