Thursday, January 8, 2015

Share the Wealth

When we think of characters like Superman, Batman and even Wolverine. We think of their rivals, nemesis, opposition. People like Lex Luthor, Joker and Sabertooth. And with Joker appearing in Suicide Squad and Luthor showing up in Dawn of Justice it makes sense......right? I mean these are staple characters, it's almost expected for them to show up. The problem is, they're always there, they're always the antagonist. There are plenty of other villains for them to face. Let's name a few.

Superman's Rogues List:


The ruler of War World is a great candidate for Superman to throw down with. He's just as strong the Kryptonian and even more maniacal than Luthor. This would definitely bring forth more alien villains into the Superman franchise.


John Corben is another good idea. Kryptonite hasn't been introduced into the franchise yet. This would be a good way to do so. Kryptonite is Metallo's heart, his means of living and is Superman's weakness. It's almost poetic.....almost.


Either the alien or the Kryptonian computer, it doesn't matter to me. He would also be an awesome choice. He is DC's answer to Marvel's Ultron. Definitely a good thorn in Superman's side. More than Lex has been in recent media.

Batman's Rogue Gallery:

Red Hood:

Jason Todd is the best there was and the best there will be. I still think Timothy Drake is a better Robin. But we're not getting into that right now. He's a great idea for Batman. He was a Robin, he knows Batman better than he knows himself. He's very capable and got some swag.


Now when I say Bane. I mean a legit Bane. I mean Cuban Bane. Knightfall Bane who was intelligent and capable of throwing down with......anybody. If you humans doubt the legit of this character. Read Batman: Knightfall and No Man's Land. You get to see how Bane really is.


I'm not going to lie. Arrow did a good job portraying Slade. He's been getting a lot of good press recently. And that's a good thing. He looked great in Injustice and in Origins. I think he needs a silver screen debut, it would be epic. Slade Wilson is if Batman and Captain America had a baby. Gross I know but think about it. He has all of their strengths....all of them. Accompanied by Black Mask, it would make for a a great film.
Think about it it!! You know you want to. Fox has it dialed in with X-Men: First Class and Days of Future Past. You know you could do better than Fox, come on! 

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