Thursday, July 23, 2015

David Effect Under Construction

I'm sure some of you humans are  wondering what happened to The David Effect? Has he run out of things to talk about? Is he done with making videos? Did he get abducted by the Brood Queen to make David Effect drones? You X-Men fans know what I'm talking about!

Either way, the answer is no. I'm still around and I've been ranting about a lot of things as of late. So either a post or a video will happen soon. These last few months I have been going through a lot of changes. A lot of them are good, some of them, not so much. So I've been through a level of stress lately. In addition to that I've been working on several projects that have demanded my time at the moment. More opportunities to use this gift that I was blessed with. So I hope those who I work with will like what I produce (nervous sigh). Once it is released I hope you will like it too (addition nervous sigh).

I have missed making posts. I do plan for the future to post more videos as well. I plan on making a number of improvements on what I do. In hopes of making it more entertaining for you guys.  I have a lot of fun doing this stuff and venting about all things nerdy. So please bestow upon me the greatest of patience. More is coming, I promise. Once again you all will become victims of The David Effect.


  1. Can't wait, bro. Love the rants and reviews. :)

  2. Can't wait, bro. Love the rants and reviews. :)

  3. Not as enjoyable as seeing the David Effect in person, but plenty fun, dude. Do what ya can.
