Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Prequels: Do We Need You?

Have you noticed that every time you flip on the tv, get a Facebook message, karate chop an orange, another prequel is being announced. As you can tell, Star Wars was a huge example of this move. I think it was the first prequel I've seen, it might be for you. Several years ago, it wasn't a thing, now it's almost expected. I think The Sopranos are getting a prequel. It's happening more and more. It makes me wonder if it's even necessary. Why do it?


Now yes, there are people who walk this planet who have never seen the staples of most of our lives. You know like Star Wars, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, etc. To them I say shame on you, eat this pudding. I know, it shocks me too, but it happens. So these prequels are perfect for them. To watch them get excited when they realize Bucky was really The Winter Soldier is priceless. I know it's not a prequel. It still blows me away that people didn't know that. I mean that knowledge is like decades old. Anyways, the point I'm making is that it's nice that they enjoy these new universes for the first time. They get to enjoy the entire lore from start to finish. 

Seasoned Veterans:

Now I'll be the first to agree it is nice to see a lot of what we read come to life. I mean I nearly exploded at the sight of Wolverine on the big screen for the first time. I get that, but we know the lore, we know their origins. We've read the books, the comics, graphic novels. We had all the discussions and theories and arguments for this stuff. But for the average movie goer, you're messing up their vibe. Look at movies like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and others where they made the prequels after the first set of movies, it kind of takes away that excitement a little bit. I mean those cliffhangers or near death scenes don't affect us as much because we know how it's going to end. I mean we already seen the other movies. So why do it like that? Just start from the beginning people.

I will say this as well. I know the Marvel Universe fairly well. I know most of the origin stories and many others of like the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four and so forth. So when Jean dies in X-Men: The Last Stand or when Castle loses his family in The Punisher. It doesn't surprise me, because I know the lore. Nevertheless, I still go to the movies because I love to see my favorite characters come to life on the big screen. So, believe me, I understand. I just think if you want to explain the birth of a hero or villain or that bag of cheese in the fridge. Start from the beginning. Don't start in the middle and go back several years later in 3 separate films and have them be underwhelming and stuff. I mean the lightsaber fights are cool and all. But how does Anakin just dip out on the people that raised him and made him a Jedi? Because old man Palpatine told him to do it? I still think that was too easy. I'm sorry, I'll let it go.......for now.


  1. The Jedi weren't exactly nice to Anakin. He couldn't openly be with Padme. They wouldn't give him Mastery so he felt insulted and held back. Palpatine offered Anakin everything he wanted: the power to save Padme, respect, and power.

  2. The reasons were clear for both of those. But to betray them on that level. He didn't even blink or second guess his actions. Too easy
