Thursday, October 22, 2015

Phase 4 Possibilities

I apologize for my hiatus. A lot has been happening and I also just recently been injured. I'm doing fine, its not at serious as it sounds. Just stuck wearing a stupid boot for a while. Nevertheless, let's focus on nerdy stuff for now. We thought that after Infinity War, it would be the end of the MCU as we know it. However, there was a recent announcement of Phase 4. So I was thinking, what other cool stuff could we get from Marvel Studios for Phase 4.

Heroes Reborn:

This could be a possibility. This took place after they destroyed Onslaught and a large portion of the 616 heroes were dead. As usual with Marvel, heroes never stay dead. Hence the Heroes Reborn series. With the Infinity War we're getting to end Phase 3, it would make sense if it eliminated a number of characters in the MCU. And have them come back different, new gear, with the torched passed to someone else.

Secret (Skrull) Invasion:

MCU hasn't really introduced the Skrull, not directly anyways. I think it would be cool to focus on them infiltrating the large organizations like SHIELD, Avengers and many others. Change MCU history and the war afterwards would be pretty awesome. They already don't trust heroes since Winter Soldier, they definitely won't after this.


I'm not going to lie. I know very little about the Thunderbolts. However, I know villains originally started this group and it did eventually lead to the Dark Avengers. So why not give it a shot.

Dark Avengers:

Speaking of the Dark Avengers. Why not? Granted in order to make this work. Norman Osborn needs to be alive. There are ways to make that work. But it would be cool to see the former Green Goblin put on the Iron Patriot armor and clean house.

House of M:

I mentioned House of M before, I still think it would make a great movie. Now yes, the X-Men is in this picture. However, you don't necessarily need them to make this movie. You just need Scarlet Witch to be the catalyst and the MCU has her. There are plenty of characters they could use. The M could represent Marvel or something else. It may not have to be called House of M. You could come up with a better name Marvel, do it!!


This is a sister organization of S.H.I.E.L.D. Which is a counter-terrorist organization in space. Main head quarters is in a orbital space station. This will definitely help the space aspect of the MCU. Led by Abigail Brand, who is like the Janeway of the 616. If you don't know who Janeway is, the captain of the USS Voyager. Then you're fired!!!

Young Avengers:

This could work. I  mean the movies already attract the younger demographic already. This could be more of a mantle passing movie. I know there are talks of Cap being passed to either Sam or Bucky. These guys kind of represent the new generation of the heroes of the past.

Deadpool Kills MCU:

Now yes, Deadpool is a Fox property at this moment. However, couldn't we agree it would be great if they worked together to make this movie? Especially after the future success of the new Deadpool movie. I know I'm jumping the gun on that. I do feel it would be a success. These are events that changed Marvel and I can see this changing the MCU forever.


Now that Spiderman is being brought into the MCU with Civil War. This gives us a chance to see Spider-verse come to life. All these different Spider-people come together to fight the ultimate evil. That would be sick. I mean who wouldn't want to see Scarlet Spider, Spider-Gwen and Noir Spiderman fighting the Sinister Six or something, that would be awesome!!!

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