Thursday, April 21, 2016

Prince a Musical Icon and Genius

My friends know this about me. I love myself some music. However, the biggest fan of Prince, was my mom. I mean this woman knew Prince. So it makes sense that her love for Prince Roger Nelson passed down to me. So of course hearing about his passing this morning was a huge shock to me and my family for sure, as it was for all of you.

My first exposure to this man was in the film Purple Rain. That's where I really got to enjoy his music. Like I said before my mother, put on the path of his musical genius. This movie was on the short list of the family favorite, next to Short Circuit and Harry and the Hendersons. We watched Purple Rain a lot, probably too much. While his other movies weren't so great, Purple Rain was a staple in our family. I still own the album. Growing up, Prince at the time was the only one to get away wearing high heels and eye liner. And no one dare question the man.

His skills on the dance floor were awesome. However, his ability with a guitar goes up there with many others like Hendrix and Vai. I never realized how much music this man produced. One day I was researching his music and this man has over a dozen albums. That is not including the songs he wrote for many artists we enjoy like Madonna, Cyndi Lauper and Alicia Keys. He respected music so much that he even refused to put it on Guitar Hero when asked. He said if people want to play his music, learn how to play a guitar. It's hard to disagree with that.

I am very appreciative that my mother exposed me to his music. He is by far one of the greatest. A lot of music these days can't compete with people like him. And I'm sure many of you will agree. I know he will be missed, but I will not mourn for too long. For those who know what I believe, will understand when I say I look forward to seeing him again. For now, we'll enjoy all the hard work he put into the music he loved. Oh and loved to play ping pong apparently.

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