Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Extended Universe, do we need it?

This is probably old news to all Star Wars fans. Maybe this is your first exposure to this. Either way it had been a subject of discussion among my people. With the recent claim that everything before and after the six films are not canon kind of rocked fans. I kind of understand. That means people like Revan, Luke turning dark and the twins don't exist. Well in truth I'm okay with Jacen not existing, he got on my nerves. However, knowing that kind of ruined our view of the Star Wars universe. I also had a recent discussion with my Trekkies about this and it came up that Roddenberry didn't want an extended  universe himself. However, we love these  stories. So here begs the question, do we really need these extended universes?

After Return of the Jedi when I was a kid, I always wanted to know what happened to the entire cast. I mean did they retire? Did Han and Leia get married? Did Chewie go home or stay with Han? Did Lando make his own band? You know stuff like that. And as fans we wanted to believe that the universe continued on. As a kid with an imagination, I did what I did best.....speculate. It was later when I heard about the other books growing up did I get completely jazzed about extended universes. I mean we got to see Leia be a jedi. The restoration of the Jedi order. Got to see Boba Fett survive the pit. I mean this was cool stuff.

Let's be real humans. These universes like Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, even Game of Thrones and stuff of that genre don't need to continue on. I mean unless they just want more cash. Before these other books and large amount of films. We as fans enjoyed what we had. I would watch Episode 4, 5, and 6 constantly and loved it. Watched Wrath of Khan and Voyage Home all the time and didn't need anything else. If Lucas and Roddenberry stopped with one or even two films, we would be okay. Why? They were great films and we ate those up. As storytellers they needed to finish what they started and they did so.....successfully. This extended universe happened for the sake of fans. It wasn't made for the new people, we would have them start at the beginning. The rest of it was for us. Did we need it? No, but we wanted it, really bad.

My personal opinion:
As a writer, I created what I've dubbed as The Darklaian Chronicles. The plan is to have this universe extend to at least a five book series. I imagine at that time I would either run out of ideas for that world or this system will end, whatever comes first. Either way I already know my run for this series wouldn't go on forever. However, if someone was inspired by my work and was compelled to extend it. As a storyteller, if it was a really good concept, I would welcome a fresh take on a world that is my own. However, once I finally finish the series, I will be very proud of it and wouldn't ask for anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a tough road, on the one hand you have to right for your self, but also for the joy of those who read it. Many great writers have found success but as the years go by and fans demand more and more some have killed off their characters because they grew tired of writing about them. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Killed Sherlock Holmes, Douglas Adams Killed of all of the characters from Hitchhikers. Is it better to leave them wanting more?, Or Ghost write it till no one cares?
