Sunday, June 1, 2014

Third Film Curse

This is something I think that is worth discussing. I mean we all think it, and we all know its there but we don't want to say. It's the curse of the threequel. In the history of the movie universe we as moviegoers have dealt with the issue of the third film in a franchise. For some reason, the third film tends to be the worst of the bunch. Why? I have my ideas. You may agree or disagree but here it is. This may not include all third films, but the majority belong on this list. I'm looking at you Spiderman 3, X-Men The Last Stand and Dark Knight Rises.

1. Quantity over Quality

In most situations, I think the production company or even the director feel the pressure of making a third film. These days, most franchises have multiple films. X-Men, Spiderman, Batman and etc have multiple films. I think people in general expect it and as creators of film, they feel obligated. So I feel they throw stuff together to appease the fans, production companies and maybe themselves. Sometimes however its at the sacrifice of the story. So you get stuff like Topher Grace as a crappy Eddie Brock or awful Robocop 3. There is a solution to this problem. I know the pressure to make a great film, let alone a third one will still be there. However, don't just take the remnants of other ideas and throw them into a script and call it a movie. If a good movie concept doesn't exist......just don't make a film. I know there's probably more to it than just not making a film like contractual obligations and such. Nevertheless, each film should be made like its their first.....put some effort into it.

2. Catering to the Fans

I know with these movies like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, even Superman, there is a large fan base. As a fan of the X-Men, I would love to see certain things show up on the silver screen, like Dark Phoenix, the Brood and Apocalypse (which we're getting). However, there is so much a screenwriter or a director can put on the screen. Some things are easier, some things aren't. Nevertheless they try. This is a good thing and a bad thing. We should always try to give fans what they want. Once again, not at the sacrifice of the story. The idea of combing three different stories into one is a bad idea. You know I'm talking about you Dark Knight Rises, X-Men: The Last Stand, Spiderman 3. If an idea can literally be additional movies, then make additional movies. James Bond and Star Trek figured it out, why can't the rest of you? As a fan, I came to the realization that I'm not going to get everything I want in the franchises I like. And I'm okay with that, as long as I can get something. I rather have a great film with a little bit of what I want then a crappy film with everything (Mortal Kombat: Annihilation).

3. Money

I hate to say this happens, but it does. There are situations where a director doesn't care about story, they just care about the one And as fan of these films, we want these movies so bad. We're willing to pay 10 bucks a ticket to see these films we've been waiting for. Hence why we get Revenge of the Sith and World is not Enough. It's more about making money then doing a good film. I say we need to blacklist people like we used to back in the day (we did it to David Caruso). We need to hire the guys who actually care about story. Or make a film like you're broke and you need to this to sell. Make this movie like this is your New Hope or your Keaton Batman......come on guys care about your stuff. The money will come later.....make your stuff matter.

Now I'm sure this all will be subject to various opinions and I welcome it. And I'll agree that some times the first film, the sequel or even the fourth film are something that needs to die with fire.You're on that list Legend of Chun Li, Batman and Robin, Clash of the Titans. But that's a rant for another time. I hope you humans enjoy this and remember you have been a victim of The David Effect.


  1. Where have you been all my life !!! Yes! This is what I've been screaming at the big screen sense I realized that it's possible to make sequels that are even better than the first, or at least just as good.

    1. It is possible. Folks just need to calm and really do it right.

  2. Return of the Jedi and Return of the King. Apparently the third film just needs Return of the (main character name) to be successful. Seriously though, both those 3quels were amazing. Return of the Jedi finished out the Star Wars Trilogy, with a most satisfying end to a series that is loved, the world over. I can even suffer through The Phantom Menace's terrible bits in a Star Wars marathon, because of the epic conclusion that I know is coming. Return of the King was probably the best of the LotR trilogy. With each film the series was just better in every way. Filmmakers should examine these and learn from the masterful filmmaking.

  3. Ok .....after reading this again I realized you put Dark knight rises in there. Please Explain , Otherwise I will be thinking about it, get distracted, have some sort of industrial accident and then make it my mission in life to destroy the city you love.

    P.S. Have a nice day.
