Sunday, June 22, 2014

Injustice 2: Casting Call

I love the Injustice game. It's on my list of favorite games. A legit comic book hero game coming from DC other than the Arkham series. Nods off to DC/WB for finally making a good decision. This year Neatherealm has announced a new Injustice being made. It'll most likely come out next year. With this new one, I'm sure they'll make some balance adjustments. And hopefully they'll tone down on the priority on using the environment. And we'll have returning characters. It'll be the obvious, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman. I definitely think they need to change the cast and I have an idea who should be in it.

Robin Legacy:

Now I know we got Nightwing in the first one. Then give us Timothy Drake or Jason Todd. They can be in their Robin mantle, or have them as Red Hood or Red Robin. Hey, give us both of them. They fight completely different, it would be a nice addition to the roster. And no Damian, he can go jump off a bridge.

Dr. Fate:

I imagine him being a zoning character. With teleportation and everything. He would look really cool with X-Box One or PS4 graphics and gameplay.

Mr. Terrific:

I could see him being a zoning and rush down character. Be in your face using his 6 discipline martial arts on you. Then dash back and use his T-Spheres to jack you up and keep you out. Plus we need another black man in this game that isn't Cyborg. Not that I don't like him, but we need some more.

Beast Boy:

I think Gar would be a great idea. Using his morphing abilities in different attacks makes sense to me. And his super would be awesome especially if he morphs a lot in the animation.


He would be great!! Hits like Doomsday and looks cool doing it. Imagine him saying "Omega Beams!" when he blasts you. I think he would be a good addition to the villains in the game.


Another heavy hitter to put in the mix. He's really cool and would be a nice counter pick against Superman. We all know everyone will play Superman with the sequel comes out.

There are so many other characters I would love to see in this game. Like Starfire, Aqualad, Kilowag, Big Barda and other really cool ideas. And one thing they need to keep in mind are skins. The game need more skins for other characters than Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. If you keep the game diverse, the replay value will continue to rise. I look forward to seeing the first screenshots and trailer of this game.


  1. Cheetah, Black Manta, Grodd, Despero, Fire Storm, should be added to give a balance between the heroes and villains. Every one should have someone to fight against from their own gallery. Ted Kord would be cool too.

  2. I love the idea of Gar throwing down, and I would so play that.

    I really would love to see Killer Croc-cuz I'm biased-but as Casey pointed out, it's already too Batman-oriented anyway. Plus, in my mind, he'd be just another version of Grundy, except sewers instead of graves.
    Another that would be awesome to see would be Vixen. All the animal stuff gooing on...granted, that could be similar to Gar, depending on how they work it.

  3. It could still work, since Vixen doesn't change into them. It would be cool to see. Croc would be find if they didn't bring Grundy back.
