Friday, August 15, 2014

Is your childhood really ruined?

I always find it intriguing when people complain about movies based off of shows they watched as kids. And if they didn't like the outcome of the film. "I can't believe they did that! They just ruined my childhood!" Did they, did they really? I understand when a movie messes with your favorite characters. However, if the show still exists and you can watch it on DVD or Netflix and you still have those fond memories of that character. Is it really ruined? And let's look back at those old shows, were they really that great? I'm going to focus on three films that had people telling me it ruined their childhood memories.


I like these movies. I know a bunch of you are Michael Bay, Shia LeBeouf and Megan Fox haters (a lot of hate guys, wow). But the movies shouldn't suffer for it, actually they haven't. They've made a lot of money and justifiably so. Now yes I do have my hang ups about these movies. I hated that they killed Jazz in the first film. I didn't like the twins in Revenge of the Fallen. Certain characters were definitely useless in the movies (Sam's parents, John Malchovich, Ken Jeong and so on). I couldn't stand what I've dubbed "unnecessary stupid" that Michael Bay insisted on putting in the films. Dark of the Moon and Age of Extinction had less stupid, but they were there. I still love the movies though.

Now let's be real about the old cartoon series. G1 Transformers was fantastic. And the old movie was on so many levels of epic I could pass out. However, the old series was a little goofy. There were stuff happening to the Autobots and Decepticons combined that didn't make sense for alien robots to experience. At one point they were getting abducted by a human and torturing them with medieval devices. I mean humans were drop kicking Decepticons on the first episode! What is that?! To this day, I still love seeing the series though.


I'll be honest, I haven't seen this movie. So I don't have any opinion on the film....yet. I have faith in it though, my previous blog explains why. I do think the cyber-shredder thing is a little special but I'll give it a chance.

Now the old series was fantastic. My siblings and I were loyal to that show. We sung the theme song all the time. Loved that show!! Other than Next Evolution, the other series were great! However, let's be real. The G1 TMNT was pretty cheese ball. Now don't get me wrong, this is something we should expect from the old series. I think the newer ones got a little more serious even though they had their level of goofiness. Even the old movie was pretty accurate to the graphic novel. Granted Secret of the Ooze was terrible, but we loved them. So why wouldn't we love this one? Because of who is attached to the film? Ha! Just read my previous blog about this subject, there is a lot more on that one.

Dragonball Evolution:

I actually liked this movie. Chow Yun Fat was an awesome Roshi. James Marster was a cool Piccolo. I didn't mind Justin as Goku. He wasn't the greatest, but then again, I have no one in mind to replace him. Now I do have some issues with the movie. It did pull that Spiderman kind of storyline. Boy in high school, he meets a girl and all that jazz. I get that. There are more issues than that. I mean no Krillin was lame, the bully concept was kind of stupid. Understandable, because Goku is.....different. However, he wouldn't react to bullies, it's just not Goku's style. I still liked the movie though.

I'm a big DBZ fan. I own the entire series. I watched it over and over and over again. I had large discussions and arguments about DBZ. I also watched Dragonball and loved the show too. Goku will always be my favorite of all the characters. His naivety, his willingness to do what's right. His drive to rise to a challenge. And the fact he's a family man, just makes me like Goku all the more. Let's look at this though. All the pervy stuff, the constant exposure to naked man cheeks. The random prehistoric animals and bestials a who had jobs and talk is a little much.  I'm very glad they didn't 100% try to translate that to film. It would look really stupid. It was my first anime and still my #1 favorite. I love you Goku!!!


  1. The only thing I ever blame ruined childhood on is rule 34. Everything else I just take as a different take. Never a ruination of my childhood.
