Monday, July 7, 2014

Fantasy Vehicles 2

I kind of did this to myself. When you bring forth the fantasy world, it opens the possibility for everything that exists in the fantasy and sci-fi realm. And it was brought to my attention a couple of fantasy transports that I should bring to the fore and a few to see if you all recognize them.


I'll be real on this one. I haven't paid attention to Dr. Who since the 80s. It was the show my mother and I watched. I'm well aware of the current generation of Doctors, however, my knowledge of them is limited. Nevertheless, I know the Tardis when I see it. I will and should give it my due respect.


The Last Starfighter is on the list of my favorite films I watched constantly as a kid. It combined two things I liked. Video games, space wars and the possibility of being a pilot of a cool ship due to being good at a game. I always practiced the controls of the Gunstar while watching the movie when I was young. If they were real, I'm sure I could fly one, was such a fan.

Trimaxium Drone Ship: 

Another movie on my list. Flight of the Navigator I loved as well. The main character was named David, which I find pretty cool. The fact this ship had the ability to changed form opens all ideas of what it could do. Imagine if it had to go on the offensive, what kind of weapons it could have. It was fast, it could travel through time and it was shiny, very, very shiny.


Who remembers this show? It was supposed to be a non-lethal vehicle the police would used to take down criminals. It was a okay show. Later in the series the non-lethal concept was rejected and they put weapons on the car. It was there way of being the Batmobile, without being the.....well Batmobile. It was bullet-proof, had tasers, grappling cables and an off-road mode. The car could transform from a regular Viper to this battle mode. The car was cool, the show was okay.

USS Excelsior:

While I'll agree the Enterprise was the first and will always be revered. I still like the USS Excelsior. It was a cool ship. Sulu was captain of that ship, that ain't too bad. In DS9 it was one of the vessels next to the Defiant that took part in the war against the Dominion. So, I'm a little partial to this one. I still give my nod to the Enterprise.

USS Enterprise:

And here's my nod. I know we're all loyal to the old in order to have the new. The Enterprise started it all and it has seen some things. It should have been placed on my earlier list. I am a stubborn person. But I do recognize the OG of them all. No Enterprise meant no Excelsior.

Viper MK-2

I never got into Battlestar. I watched most of the 1st season then I checked out after that. However, I did like how these ships were weren't completely gripped by the tech age. I liked how they relied on heavy armor and well planned movement. The Vipers required just as much work. No touch screens, no AI or Mr. LaForge to help you. You had to know your stuff.


I like this ship too. It's really fast, it's smooth looking, next to no shields though. With the capability to take out a Star Destroyer. Now granted it didn't get a good show in Return of the Jedi. Hopefully we'll get something in Episode VII.


Let me know if I got the name right. I looked it up, but it gave me everything else. This the ThunderBolt from Bablyon 5. Now, in truth, I know very little about  show. I only watched parts of it. I know when Sheridan took over, I watched a little more. Even that was limited. Give me some insight humans.

Now I know I'm forgetting more. So I'm sure there will be a part 3 to this really soon. Give it time humans, we'll have it all covered soon......or die trying. Well, not really, lol.


  1. Trimaxium Drone Ship and the Tardis are my favorites

  2. Flight of the Navigator, man, all time favorite

  3. I know you're not that into Farscape, but Moya and Talyn need to be in there. She's epic and he's a beast.

    And Serenity, of course. The ol' Firefly-class should not be neglected.
