Monday, July 7, 2014

Fantasy Weapons

This is kind of inspired after the fantasy vehicles post. With every cartoon or movie, there is gear that the characters wear or possess. Regardless if they're hero or villain we think their stuff is cool. Being an 80s kid I'm sure some of you will guess which ones I'm thinking of. I'm pretty sure some of the new ones were inspired from the old school gear. So let's get started!!!

Sword of Omens:

Anyone who was a fan of Thunder Cats wanted this sword. Tell me you weren't out in the middle of the yard screaming "Thunder Cats, ho!!" I was, and was constantly told to stop screaming. Mostly because I was doing it inside of the house.

Sword of Greyskull:

It's funny, my dad grew up knowing Conan. I grew up knowing He-Man. I chose the one from the Masters of the Universe movie, because it was just plain pretty. When Dolph was spinning this sword around in the movie you were like, "Conan who?" We all wanted this sword so bad because we wanted to be buff when we wielded it. By the power of Greyskull, give me biceps!!!


I don't care how old you are. I don't care where you're from. At one point in your life, you pretended to have a lightsaber, you always found a way. Then they were easy to get after Episode One, we all went nuts. And they started to get better, more detailed, sturdier and pretty freakin authentic, we all lost it. And the great part was there were different ones. With Episode 4, 5, and 6 there were only four in truth. However, now, there is a large variety. And that's not including the custom ones you can get done. I'm actually partial to Mace Windu's saber.......for no particular reason.

Buster Sword:

This goes out mostly to my FF7 fans out there. When we played this game, we all left wanting a Buster Sword. It doesn't matter if you liked the original or the one from Advent Children. When you hear Cloud Strife or Final Fantasy, you think Buster Sword. I know you all do, because I do.


Can't talk about Final Fantasy without bringing up the Gunblade. I thought this was a cool invention. Now I know there are different ones out there. Even Lightning has a gunblade. However, I'll always be partial to Squall's blade from FF8. His was the coolest and will always be the coolest.

Master Sword:

Any Legend of Zelda fans out there? Ha! Who am I kidding? I'm sure you all are. And nothing made us feel more like a boss then picking up the Master Sword in any of the games. Now this one has different looks to it. My favorites will always be from Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess. I still remember my first time playing Link to the Past and getting that Master thought I found it in real life.


Now you can't talk about fantasy weapons without bringing up the granddaddy of them all. Excalibur!! Now I grew up being a fan of the Knights of the Round Table, in truth I still am. Part of the reason I love Jedi, they are Knights of the Republic......or were, at least the old one, moving on. And I love the Disney Sword and the Stone, it's still a good movie. Now yes, I'm sure all of us who were in school in the 80s seen the Excalibur movie. That movie was brutal.....but the majestic sword was still cool.

Icingdeath and Twinkle:

I don't know how many Forgotten Realms readers are out there. I became one years ago and quickly became a fan of Drizzt Do'Urden. He's my favorite dark elf out there. He's a really nice guy that transcended his stereotype to be the best ranger in his story arc. And in his travels he acquired two scimitars (his specialization), Icingdeath and Twinkle. Icingdeath is kind of self-explanatory, it had the ability to consume all levels of fire. It made the wielder literally impervious to fire. And Twinkle (don't diss the blade) has the ability to emit a blue energy and I believe it can cut through anything. Twinkle is the stronger of the two and is his leading scimitar when he goes on the offensive. Nevertheless, they are pretty sweet.

Now yes, this post was a little one sided, steering more toward fantasy blades then anything else. Can't help it, I love these type of stories with these old school type of weapons. They required skill, precision and sometimes brute strength. If you want me to talk about a different set, let me know.


  1. I'd add a Qualta Blade, the Cross Punisher, and Zantetsuken.

    You really should have done this as a top ten.

  2. I might have to do that. These are getting long enough to become one.

  3. Might as well toss in Glamdring, Anduril and Sting. :)

  4. Blast from the past G.I.Joe cartoon. Remember when Storm Shadow found Excalibur at the bottom of a lake and then could cut anything in half, Tanks, stone pillars. It was awesome.

  5. Don't start listing weapons. I already had to do a part 2 to the vehicles, lol

  6. Okay, love the gunblades, buster swords, lightsabers, ..heck, everything that was listed, actually.

    Sorry, David, adding one more, and I may be alone in this: remember Rattlesnake Jake from Rango? With his rattle-gattling gun? Freakin' epic!!!
