Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Power Rangers, their Silver Screen Return

I grew up with  the Rangers as a kid. And I haven't watched all the iterations, but I've seen most of them. There were some good ones, and some.....special ones (Lightspeed Rescue). So when there was a reboot announcement in the movie franchise, I was super jazzed. I spent an extended period of time rebooting it in my head. I have an idea to what I feel they should change.

Super Sentai: Zyuranger

Japan had it right. I like the destiny aspect of the show. How they were destined in the bloodline of each character to be the chosen guardians of the universe. I just don't think it should be from warriors of the past, keep them current. I don't think they should all know each other, it just makes it too easy. There should be a conflict between them, because they shouldn't be an efficient team day one. And let's stay away from the Megazord being god and just seems a little weird.


Now obviously they need to look better. I know in later versions, they went the CGI route for the zords and I think that made sense. To pull off powerful mechs that turn into a larger mech that can destroyed planets. I think they need to do something better than grown folks in costume. And no wrestling moves or low blows, that'll just make it awkward.

Green Ranger:

I doubt in this one the Green Ranger would already be there. But when they do finally focus on him, I think he should stay bad for a little longer. Not completely evil, more like a Vegeta type character. One who refuses to be part of the cause, but would rather take down those who get in the way of his purpose. And in the story most of the time it would the antagonist and sometimes the protagonist.

Rita Repulsa:

I would love for her to return. However, we need her to be less like an angry voodoo witch doctor with migraine issues. And more like a vindictive bane of the universe. She needs to be a combination of Malificent, Morgana, and the Goblin Queen. Super hot, but tempered with fear and power. She could be done really well and taken seriously.

Lord Zedd:

Zedd was the coolest villain......ever!! I mean he was the definition of power. He was just surrounded by a lot of stupid. The exposed pulsing brain and muscles was really creepy. It looked awesome in the movie. I mean he can be done really well if they made him the Thanos of the PR Universe.

Alpha 5:

Now who ever thought Alpha was a good idea should get punched in the mouth. Even as a kid I thought he was a horrible addition to the cast. However, I can save him. If they changed his name to like Alpha X or Alpha Prime. Have him be a cross between Ultron, Robocop (2014) and Autobot Jazz, we may have something here. Make him the sole protector of the Rangers headquarters and Zordon (who I'll be getting to in a second). And make him so hardcore that even the Rangers would actually need him.


Okay look, I get he's the Charles Xavier of this universe. But even Chuck proved to be useful. I mean, this guy is so powerful. When he supposedly died in the movie, the whole morphing grid went down and they lost their powers. He literally is the power battery for them. So he should be a little more useful than......well an homage to Futurama. Even if he was able to transform into physical form for a short period of time (due to his interdimensional blah, blah) he could give these guys a actual tangible hand.

Power Armor:

This is the one thing the movie got right. If you're going to be fighting using alien powers with alien weapons and alien mechs. Shouldn't you be in alien armor while you're fighting people like Lord Zedd and Rita? It just makes sense. I mean Dark Knight got it right, it made sense and practical. How much more for defenders of the universe. Get these guys some alien armor. But don't go crazy, this isn't Guyver, its Power Rangers, make it reasonable......but alien.

Look, Japan was able to make successful shows that probably came from Super Sentai. You know, Guyver, Gatchaman, Tekkaman and so forth. And those shows weren't stupid, or super goofy. You don't need to laugh all the time. So come on guys, step it up a notch and give us a decent Power Rangers movie. I got show my girls this stuff. This show sparked my interest into writing. Being the guy who grew up on this stuff, I know (even as a kid) what they needed and what they didn't. And if Jason David Frank wants to be the Green Ranger, you say yes!!

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