Monday, July 7, 2014

Fantasy Vehicles

Growing up as a kid, I've always wanted stuff that didn't exist. Watching tv shows and movies, didn't help that imagination of mine. There are a bunch of vehicles in the fantasy and sci-fi genre that I would love to have if it was at all possible. Here are a few:


I know folks will say the Millennium Falcon. But you when you saw Luke, or Wedge flying around in the movies, you wanted a X-Wing. They handled them bad boys like pros. And if you know about the Rogue Squadron, you definitely wanted an X-Wing, oh yeahhhh!!!!

Millennium Falcon:

Now I couldn't be a Star Wars fan without bringing up the Millennium Falcon. I mean come on!! Other than being a Jedi, I always wanted to be Han Solo as a kid. I mean, he had Leia, a cool ship and a Wookie as a buddy. You can't beat that!!

USS Defiant:

I obviously can't talk about Star Wars without bringing up Star Trek. I love the USS Defiant. This thing was awesome. It was literally it's own little starship. Was built to take down large vessels. It was also on one of my favorite shows Deep Space 9, gotta love this thing.


Now I know there are different versions that are out there.We love them all....well most of them. They are cool, have various devices and weapons and practically take on anything. My favorite to this day is the Tim Burton's Batmobile, it was sleek and cool looking design. The Animated Series followed that design and made it even cooler. From what I've seen of the new one for Batman v Superman, it might be a close second.

Knight Rider K.I.T.T.:

This was my dream as a kid. Driving that car, wearing a leather jacket, that's the jam right there. Remember that movie where they remodeled K.I.T.T. after his supposed death by driving into the water. That car wasn't that hype. Now granted the newer series was kind of lame. The car was pretty sweet though. That's why I had to have both cars.


This is definitely something we all wanted. Especially the newer model that could fly. That was definitely something I dreamed about. I don't know what I would do with the time travel aspect.....that's not necessarily true. Too bad it was a two seater, carpooling wouldn't happen.


  1. X-Wing? Millenium Falcon? Think bigger. Own a Death Star for only 999,999,999,999,999 Galactic Credits and the destruction of a peaceful planet funding a Rebellion against you.

    Kidding aside, definitely the Millenium Falcon. After all, it made the Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs!

  2. Delorean would be awesome. Or the batmobile, depending on which one.

    Heck, Delorean Batmobile! Possibly universe-breaking... :D

    Oh, what about a Transformer? Gimme an Autobot as a ride any day.
