Thursday, June 5, 2014

Final Fantasy Favorites

I know several guys who played Final Fantasy and love it like I do. I have my favorites. I'm sure with some of you out there, you've played more of them then I have. But I've played several of them and I have my favorites, there are some honorable mentions I'll throw out there. Can't completely leave everyone out. So here we go humans!!!

Vincent Valentine

I thought he was a really cool character. He was mysterious, he powers were off the charts. And I loved his gun. Never played his solo game, I heard it was garbage, I like him nonetheless. He wasn't necessary to beat FF7 but I always made sure to get him. I loved him in Advent Children, kind of reminded me of a dark Vash the Stampede. Before it gets crazy about seven. Here some shout outs to Cloud, Red XII and Tifa. They were the other cool ones in the game themselves. I wasn't a huge fan of Barrett, he looked dumb. I liked him in Advent Children but not in 7.

Squall Leonhart

He was always my favorite. He was the reluctant hero that acted like he didn't care about much. Kind of like a Mal or a Han Solo. I'm sure you'll disagree with me on that one, but that's how I feel. And his gunblade was always my favorite. Seifer's blade just looked stupid. I will say this, I did like Rinoa, Zell and Irvine. Especially Irvine, he reminded me of a cowboy version of Gambit.


I liked Vivi, he was the underdog character. Fighting to prove he was more than a mindless creature. You have to understand something I hated 9. I thought the premise was dumb, the main protagonist was ridiculous and their limit breaks were stupid. I did like a few characters other than Vivi, like Beatrix and Freya. 


I thought Auron was a cool character. He was a very Zatoichi kind of guy. He was the samurai of the game. The grey streaks and the sunglasses made him very distinguished. He was wise and powerful, a decent guide for stupid Tidus. He was pretty much cross between Obiwan, Piccolo and Gene from Samurai Champloo. I also liked that he didn't panic in all the situations they were in , made him a solid looking character. There weren't too many other characters I liked in this game. Maybe Lulu and Kimarhri. Rikku was annoying and Wakka felt like Fozzy from the Muppets to me.

Balthier Bunansa

He was officially the smoothest character in Final Fantasy lore. He's the Han Solo of  FF12. Not only is he a pilot, but he's a smuggler type of character. And his companion is Ann a animal character, almost like Chewbacca. Come one guys.....this wasn't an accident. In truth, he has the most personality in the game. So when I had a choice who was in my party. You best believe that Baltheir and Anne were in my party. Vaan can go ride a bus.....stinkin moron. 

Oerba Dia Vanille 

I never finished 13. It kind of was getting stupid story-wise and I was getting bored really quick. However, I liked Vanille. She always was very positive. She actually was very pretty. She reminded of a friend of mine who has a similar personality. And in truth no one else in that game I liked. Snow was a wannabe thug, Lightning was literally a female Cloud. What was his name? Hope, I couldn't tell if he was a boy or a girl half the time. He was a little whiny for me. Granted most FF games had at least one whiny character.

Well these are my choices. Bring on the opinions! And I know, I haven't played the first ones. FF7 was officially my first exposure to the Final Fantasy universe. And I've played FFXII, have a samurai on that one. And I have a level cap.....Bard on FFXIV, so in yo face!!


  1. I don't know a single Final Fantasy fan that doesn't think Leon rocks.

    1. Did you just refer to him in his Kingdom Hearts name? Oh boy

    2. :D
      That was my first intro to FF. Then Reshan was all, "Do your research!" So I beat every single one I could on a DS simulator. Which is most of them. I wanted to be able to say, "Do your research!" to Reshan. And now I can, since he hasn't beaten a single game. :P Sisters...

  2. Hey now...okay, that is true...I've sadly only played part of 7...
