Monday, June 2, 2014

The Black Hole Remake

I'm a huge fan of this movie. I watched this over and over again as a kid. I dare to say this was my introduction into the sci-fi universe. I know they've been talking about a remake. I'm a little worried because they're using the same people who made Tron Legacy. Before I get chased down by Tron fans, let's be real. Tron Legacy to me was boring and a bit of a let down. That's literally a conversation for another time. Let's focus on my first science fiction experience. Here are some things they need to redo for this movie to work.

 USS Palomino

We must have the Palomino. The explorer class vessel the crew used at the beginning of the film. There has to be a lot of throw backs in the new one. This is one of them. Obviously it will have to be more up to date with today's sci-fi standards. I still think it has to be a little rickety or else why would they need assistance?

USS Cygnus

This definitely has to come back. I think they need to make it look like a really clean super star destroyer like vessel. The ominous feeling you had in the first film when they first encounter the Cygnus, we need that feeling in the new one.There's a reason why it was able to withstand the pull from the singularity, I mean come on!!

Dr. Hans Reinhardt 

This man must return. He's the reason the Cygnus was there in the first place. I really want to see how they develop this character in the new one. He's part tortured soul, part mad scientist, part innovator, part gracious host. I would love to see how they balance that all out. They definitely need the right person to portray all of that. I also think that in the new one, he'll need to duke it out with Captain Dan Holland in a final battle.

Dr. Kate McCrae 

I think she's the important part of the crew. The rest of the crew can be messed with, but she still needs to be there. She's the heart of the crew, the conscious. Plus her special techno-telepathic connection with V.I.N.CENT make her a valuable member of the crew. She adds a level of hope and light in the middle of this dark film, because it was a dark film.

V.I.N.CENT and Old B.O.B.

Love V.I.N.CENT (Vital Information Necessary Centralized, don't get it) and Old B.O.B. (Bio-sanitation Battalion).  They were the new and old school of the automaton family. Their camaraderie was fantastic and they were an awesome action duo. I think they should be upgraded big time, but with pieces of their old selves from the original film. I also think B.O.B. shouldn't be as busted up. He should be battle-worn, yes, just not as jacked. Make him like Clint Eastwood instead of Gary Busey.


I love Maximilian man! He was red, scary, tough as nails and quiet, eerily quiet. He needs to be upgraded like V.I.N.CENT and B.O.B. He still needs to be red and big. I like the fact he was quiet and yet was able to express his dislike for our little robotic hero. They need to hold on to that, they really do.

Sentry Robots

My issue with these things, they were kind of dumb. I mean I get they were there as cannon fodder. However, I'm tired of seeing Star Wars battle droids. I think they should be a little more methodical. Like the robots in iRobot, they were kind of scary. They should look like the drones in the new Robocop or something similar. We need that in this film. I also like that they were not vocal. I think they should communicate through coded signals or binary or something.

Cygnus Staff

I love the way they handled this in the original. I think they should carry that over in the new one. Granted they look like sith lords of some sort. But the creepy silent staff that just do their job. Don't acknowledge the Palomino crew or even themselves. It definitely makes the atmosphere in the USS Cygnus that Dead Space creepy. Keep that guys, keep that.

Now I know that Disney will not listen to a person like myself. They'll do whatever they like. But I think they need to hold onto what made this film really good. Update it of course and make some necessary changes to make the premise a little more......what it needs to be I guess. Just don't lose the importance of this film or I'll blow a gasket. Not that they asked me. Although I think they should......hey Disney, please read this post. Don't turn my movie into Tron Legacy!!

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