Wednesday, June 4, 2014

X-Men Gamer

Once again, I'm bringing up X-Men. You guys should be prepared for this. I was born and raised an X-Men fan. Not only did I read the comic books and watched the movies. I played the games as well. Here are the games I experienced. I'm sure I'll miss some, but these are the ones I've played.

X-Men Arcade

If you grew up at all in the 90's, you know this arcade. This was one of the few arcades you literally could have a full party and throw down with all get out. I love this arcade. A bunch of buddies and I beat this game a couple of years ago. It was the greatest feeling in the world.

X-Men 2: Clone Wars

This was cool, you were able to play a bunch of the cool X-Men. From Wolverine and Beast to Nightcrawler and Gambit. I also loved the fact you could get Magneto as a playable character, one of my favorites.

This was my first official fighting games I committed to for obvious reasons. Loved this game. It prepared me for Marvel vs Capcom games. Got to play my favorite X-Men. Wolverine and Gambit owned in this game.

X-Men: Mutant Academy

This was strictly an X-Men fighting game. I thought it was cool. You could smack each other through the stage, at least I think it was this one. I don't remember, it had been so long. This game was still pretty cool.

X-Men: Mutant Academy 2

Obviously the sequel to the previous game. I liked this one as well. I believe the boss at the end was Dark Phoenix, she was intense. If you thought she's tough in Marvel 3 after she turned and used x-factor. You haven't played her in this game.

X-Men Legends

This game was really cool. I wish Marvel would wise up and do another one like this. It was the first X-Men rpg I played. You can play various X-Men characters level them up and throw down against Magneto. In this one Magma I believe was a potential vessel for the Phoenix Force. Was a really cool game.

X-Men Legends 2

This sequel was really cool. As you can see in the title your major boss is Apocalypse. I liked this game a lot, big improvement on the skill trees and stuff. I was bias because they finally put Bishop in there, had to play him. This one and I think the first one you could change their costumes from classic, to the 90's and the ultimate version as you see there. They definitely need to make a new X-Men rpg, I would buy that asap.

X-Men: Wolverine Origins

You would be surprise to learn (maybe not) the game was way better than the movie. This is the best Wolverine game out there. Surpasses Wolverine's Revenge by a lot!! Quick warning for all you humans. This is a Wolverine there is a lot of violence and gore. If you have the potential for blorching, don't play this. Okay.....maybe it's not that bad. But it's pretty clear what kind of content it has.

X-Men: Destiny

This is the last X-Men game I played. It was okay to me. I wish it was more open world. I also wish there was more character customization in the game. Then I would've possibly made Darkner or Voltais. It was pretty linear which bugged me a bit. The voice acting was okay. The limit to which power set for you use to was kind of dumb to me. And it was pretty clear one power was better than the other ones. It was a nice try. I think next time they need to make it like Skyrim, or Dragon's Dogma or even like Mass Effect. Open world that bad boy. The moral compass aspect in the game was good too. They should elaborated more on that. I think they should broadened it. Instead of just choosing between the X-Men or Brotherhood. There should be neutral responses. Or even allowing you to join other organizations like the Hellfire Club, Gen X, even the Reavers or FOH. Would definitely have made it a more complex game with a lot of replay value.

Like I said before, I'm sure there are more X-Men games out there I'm not thinking of. Probably because I haven't played them. If you can think of any, drop in a comment. And if you think Marvel is due to make an open world Skyrim-ish X-Men skill based game. Well let's rally together and tell Marvel/Disney to get on the ball. If they do it, they should make a black guy look like me. It was bad enough that they had a black guy on Mass Effect that looked my younger brother. When is it my turn video games?! Come on!

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