Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Favorite Robots

We all know I like science fiction. As a kid I was exposed to all kinds of cool things. One of them is different types of robots. I loved them so much at one point I wanted to be a robot. Obviously that changed after reading X-Men comics. However, the love for the automatons is still there. I'm going to list a few of my favorites. There are so many old and new robots out there that this list would be ridiculous. So I'm going to restrict it to the ones I grew up with. Sorry Sonny.

Robot from Lost in Space

 If you're old enough (I'm only 33) then you know yourself some Lost in Space. And then you know this robot. I thought he was really cool when I was young. Now sure, the constant screaming of Danger Danger got old. And there were a few times this guy got jacked. However, he saved the day on several occasions. Granted most of those occasions were Dr. Smith's fault, but he did nonetheless. He was witty and strong and super funny. I mean the robot could shoot lightning from his hands......I mean claws, or are they clamps. You know what mean!!


From my previous post about the remake of The Black Hole, you're pretty familiar with this robot already. He still had to be on this list, he was definitely one of my favorites. He was also very witty (must have been a thing in the past). He showed remorse when B.O.B. was gunned down by Maximilian. It was hard not to like this robot. I mean look at him. He can fly and had cool claws. He was an expert marksman, possessed a grappling hook and a drill in the middle of his chest. He defeated one of the toughest robots out there. Plus he had a telepathic connection with a pretty lady. You can't beat that!

Johnny 5

Now if you don't know Short Circuit, I'm telling your parents. Johnny 5 was fantastic. That fact that through an actual short circuit (duh) he was able to possess an independent mind. Was willing to learn and definitely wanted to be his own person. A individual, it's hard not to like him. Plus I liked the laser cannon on his back. The ladies were into him too. What's with these robots getting the ladies? 


Now I couldn't live with myself if I didn't bring up the ever lovable astromech droid R2D2. I mean he's the face of Star Wars.....he really is. I mean everyone knows him and loves him. I thought he was fantastic, I remember being a kid and trying to figure out what he could have possibly said in the films. As I got older, I came to this conclusion. R2 is a vulgar little droid. You know what I'm talking about! Some of those beeps and whistles, needed to be beeps and whistles for a reason. And if you think about it, he's never had a memory wipe. So this little guy has seen some stuff. You'd be a little rough around the edges too if you been through the mess he had experienced.

Optimus Prime

To this day, if I could be friends with any robot. If it was humanly possible. It would be this Autobot right here. Optimus Prime was always and will always be my favorite robot. He was the strongest, the coolest and the bravest robot out there (you can tell I like him). He has stared danger in the face on countless occasions and danger was the one to blink. He's a great and wise leader. Optimus can handle his business in the battlefield. And he has a good......core, spark? I know folks hate on the Michael Bay Transformer films, for reasons I'm still trying to figure out. But you have to admit, when Optimus Prime rolls up in the situation and you hear Peter Cullen's voice. Tell me you don't get all giggly inside. Not that I get giggly or anything like that. Can we move on please?


  1. "Danger, Will Robinson!" God, I love myself a good, old fashioned Class M-3 Model B9 robot...

  2. And he dide get the short end of the stick when Smith was involved, but he always somehow got back at him.
